Monday, October 27, 2014

Five Plus.....

Our theme for October is Five plus...... Glad to find out I was not the only one who had trouble with this one...LOL

Here are the photos that have been entered....











I think you will agree we have some pretty cool shots in this lot.

Results for Trees......

2 Merits were awarded and four shots were awarded a HC.

Merits went to 



HC was awarded to..





Congratulations to all who have been awarded places. Well done.......

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Another e mail we have received.

Please forward to your members.

More info on previously advertised job.

Gayle Harrison
PSQ Secretary

Photoworks by Promoworks are looking for an exceptional Photographer for Santa Photos in Cleveland and Alexandra Hills. You will be required to have had 2-3 years minimum photography experience including children’s photography, as well as use of studio lighting. You will also need to have Basic computer knowledge and previous customer service experience is essential.

You will be required to photograph children and families with Santa as well as perform customer service administration duties.
You need to have an outgoing personality, exceptional presentation, be well spoken, punctual and ensure your customers receive the highest standard of customer service during the allocated promotion.

Great Payrates apply.

Please send application to

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Survey link.......

 Below is a letter we have received. Here is the link to go to the survey.


I’m working on a project to plan for a range of street art installations throughout Laidley CBD over the next few years. I’d like to attend a meeting of the Laidley Camera Club and chat about the project and get some input on the planning aspect, particularly by encouraging all your members to have their say through our survey, and also to see who might be interested in further involvement such as further planning, researching/providing key historical information to be presented in art and cultural pieces, or being involved as an artist.

Would it be possible for me to attend one of your next meetings and take 5-10 mins to present the project? Participation in the surveys could be done a number of ways such as: one-on-one (5-10 mins per person) or possibly as a group, or in people’s own time/home.

I’d appreciate any participation of your group and have attached a flyer on the survey for your information.

Kind regards

Neil Williamson
Community Development & Engagement Officer

P 07 54620 685
M 0400 848 198

Lockyer Valley Regional Council
26 Railway Street (PO Box 82) Gatton Qld 4343
1300 00 5872 (LVRC)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Club Logo...

This is the one that has been chosen for our club Logo. It is the same design.. the second one is just is reverse. This way we can have them printed on both light and dark surfaces. I think it looks smart. Just e mail and let us know what you all think.....

Have fun everyone......

Our theme for this month is 5 Plus.

5 plus (That is an exposure of 5 seconds or more) is our theme for this months comp, so here are some tips to get you started.
1 Most important!! put your camera onto some thing solid like a tripod, a table ,or a sandbag ,you get the idea

2  If you can, use a remote trigger or the time delay on your camera.
3  Put your camera into A (aperture) mode or manual and turn the flash off!!   ISO as low as you can and set an aperture of 11 or thereabouts.
4  Pick a subject in low light ,early morn or evening or the stars on a nice clear night.
    A shaded room could work with the right subject.
If you're going for the stars check online for some great tutorials.

Get out there and give this a go because the best way to learn is by challenging your self

If you are really stuck tell us and if there are enough  people I'll organize a workshop to get you going.  

Have fun but do try you will be amazed at how much fun you will have.

Sorry I forgot... LOL

Here are the winners of last month's competition. The theme was Food. Our judge was John Carden.

First...... was Karen with her fantastic shot of strawberries..... well done this one was awarded a Merit and 10/10

Second was Darryl with his tomato shot.... just as stunning. This received a Merit and 9.5/10

Third was Glen with his shot of a child eating food. Also a Merit and 9/10

The three following photos were awarded HC

 Noeleen with her fruit platter... HC 9/10

Darryl with his shot of berries.... HC 9/10

Ron with his potato shot. HC 8.5/10

Congratulations to all who were awarded places.